Friday, March 16, 2012

Only you know Lord

"You can do more in my waiting than I could ever do in my doing."

So, I wait Lord.
I wait, because I know you can do more in those children's life's than anything I could ever do.

I wait, because I trust in you.
Trust that your timing is better than mine.
Your timing is always perfect

"My heart's discouraged, so I come to you expecting."

So, I come to you Lord.  
I come, expecting you have good things in store. 
Knowing everything of you is good

I come to you a weary heart, knowing you are strong.
I need you to lift me up
I come knowing you are what I need. 

You say your good to those who wait. 
So I wait. 
You know exactly what I need. 
You know exactly what these kids need. 

I give everything to you Lord. 
Living with more faith than fear. 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

So I've been thinking..

So I haven't blogged in a while, and it's because I've been on this tangent of being discouraged.
I have been trying to figure this whole "going back" to Rwanda business and it just hasn't seemed like its coming together.

Here are some of my thoughts...

Why did God place this passion inside of me for these children? If I was just going to give up.
That is not what God has for me.
I can not give up.
Those children need Christ, they need HOPE.

See, God keeps whispering to me, to have faith, and find my strength in Him and He will work all things out for good.
While the whole world is shouting No, my God is saying YES! Just follow me, and I will bring Hope, I will bring restoration, joy and peace where it is not found.

So, I'm going to keep going. And I know the road ahead of me is discouraging, and looks narrow... But my God is bigger, and stronger.
I've put a donation box on my page, where if you feel led to you can donate to my fund of trying to get back this summer. But if nothing else, you can pray. Pray for these children, pray for strength, and most of all pray that God's will be done in their lives.

Thank you,

Living with more faith than fear.