Friday, January 27, 2012

My Sweet Ordeartha

my sweet precious daughter,
I hope you know your a child of the highest Kingdom. 
I hope as your waking up, and lying your head to sleep you feel safe in my arms. 

I hope that you never forget about those dreams you keep to yourself...
I also hope you share them with the world
I hope you chase after your dreams, and never let anyone tell you "You Can't".

I hope you know I'll love you more than your mother and father were supposed to love you. 
I hope you know that my love is:


I hope you know I did not want you to feel: hurt, betrayed and alone
But I hope you feel: joy, peace and comfort.
I hope you know my love surrounds you every second of every day. 

I hope you know that I your heavenly father, have BIG dreams for you. 
I hope you know that I'm thinking of you.
I hope you know that I love you
I hope you know I have more hope for you than anyone in the world
I hope you know that I created you to be exactly who you are, and that it's perfect
I hope you hold your head up high and walk with confidence knowing you have:


Have faith bigger than fear Ordeartha.

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