Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Lord knows my heart

And so it begins.. 


My heart is beside its self right now, I can't even contain my joy!
It's funny how things work out. I've been praying and praying about the opportunity to go back, 
and really felt like I was not going to go back at all this summer. 
But knowing how big our God is and how he likes to surprise me, just when I start doubting God shows up and is like.. "Why do you ever doubt me?" 

So here I am completely shocked and in awe of how great my God is not even knowing what to say, but knowing that HE ALWAYS PROVIDES A WAY,


Man, I can't even begin to explain how I'm feeling right at this moment. 
Besides being amazed, shocked and at loss for words
I can not wait to see those sweet faces, feel there hands in mine and look into there big eyes and see God shining right through them. 

Oh my heart be still... 

On my page I will have a place where you can donate but more importantly please, please be praying! These sweet children just need to know the love of God, and I pray that I can show them just an ounce of that love. 


  1. Praying for you and those sweet kids!

  2. I couldn't find your email on your blog, but I just wanted to tell you that I nominated you for the Liebster Award. It is an award for blogs with under 200 followers. Here is my post nominating you! Head over to my blog and answer the questions!

    I can't wait to see your answer to the questions :)
